Home Business Henderson Group Director receives international recognition

Henderson Group Director receives international recognition

Pat McGarry Tobias Wasmuht

Pat McGarry, Group Logistics Director at Henderson Group, has received the Lifetime Achievement Award at the 2022 Connected Retail Conference in Rotterdam.

It is the second accolade of its kind Mr McGarry has been presented with this year, including the Transport Personality of the Year award at the Export & Freight Transport & Logistics Awards in September.

Organisers of the conference said Pat was awarded for his long and distinguished service to the global Spar organisation and retail industry, which has spanned over four decades.

Tobias Wasmuht, Managing Director, Spar International, (pictured right), said, “Pat McGarry is a founding member of Spar International’s Warehouse Action Group and a member of the team supporting the design of the warehouse infrastructure for SPAR in China.

“His passion and proactive leadership extends well beyond his roots at Henderson’s warehouse facilities in Mallusk, where he has introduced and directed many innovative large scale projects and streamline processes, which not only boost productivity and improve working conditions, but also reduce overall environmental impact.

“This award from Spar International reflects our thanks and appreciation to Pat McGarry for his contributions and achievements.”

Pat (pictured left) added, “I am humbled and grateful for this recognition for a career that allows me to work with such fantastic people and organisations around the world.

‘To be part of the Spar International family allows our team to affect change globally, to ensure we are all working to the highest level of efficiency with as minimal impact as possible on the environment, and we are very proud to be market leaders with our innovations.”

Martin Agnew, Joint Managing Director at Henderson Group, commented, “We are thrilled for Pat to receive this recognition from Spar International as it is truly deserved.

‘In the 25 years that Pat has worked for our business, leading the logistics function for 22 of those 25 years, the business has grown exponentially both in scale and in profitability, and this has been in no small part due to Pat’s far-sighted vision and plans, brought to fruition day and daily, by the high-performing team he has built.- See more at: https://www.caterlyst.com/Caterlyst3/Insight/Insight.aspx?n=35912#sthash.IbscIHzM.dpuf